Securities Fraud Lawyer

Investment Loss Recovery

Experienced Securities Fraud Lawyer Representing Investors Nationwide

As an investor, you depend on stockbrokers, financial planners and other advisors to provide honest advice and information. If you have been the victim of investment fraud as a result of a Ponzi scheme, the sale of unregistered investments, or had a stockbroker or financial advisor make unsuitable investments in your account we can help you. For over 30 years we have been helping investors recover losses in state and federal court and in arbitration with FINRA, JAMS and AAA. During that time we have successfully resolved over 1500 investment loss matters. We always provide a free consultation for victims of investment and securities fraud.

For Nevada Investors

Contact Us

  1. 1 Free Consultation
  2. 2 Based in Las Vegas - Serving Clients Nationwide
  3. 3 Over $50 Million in Judgments
Fill out the contact form or call us at 702-380-3131 to schedule your free consultation.